Preschool Curriculum

What we Learn...

Our framework for learning...

Creative Curriculum for Preschool

Creative Curriculum for Preschool is a research based curriculum that encourages experiential based learning activities by using a developmental continuum divided into nine content areas.

Social Emotional Development

  • Regulates own emotions and behaviors

  • Establishes and sustains positive relationships

  • Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations

Physical Development

  • Gross motor skills

  • Fine motor skills

Language Development

  • Listens and understands language

  • Uses language to express thoughts and needs

  • Recalls and shares experiences

Cognitive Development

  • Demonstrates positive approaches to learning

  • Remembers and connects experiences

  • Uses classification skills

  • Uses symbols and images to represent something not present

Literacy Development

  • Demonstrates phonological awareness

  • Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet

  • Demonstrates print knowledge and its use

  • Responds to and comprehends books and other text

  • Displays emergent writing skills


  • Uses number concepts and operations

  • Explores and describes spatial relationships and shapes

  • Compares and measures

  • Demonstrates knowledge of patterns

Science and Technology Development

  • Displays scientific inquiry skills

  • Demonstrates an understanding of the characteristics of living things and the environment

  • Use technology to perform tasks

Social Studies Development

  • Demonstrates knowledge of self, how people live and work, and basic geographic knowledge

Arts Development

  • Explores visual arts and participates in artistic expression

  • Explores music and creative movement

  • Explores drama through language and actions