Preschool Curriculum
What we Learn...
Our framework for learning...
Creative Curriculum for Preschool
Creative Curriculum for Preschool is a research based curriculum that encourages experiential based learning activities by using a developmental continuum divided into nine content areas.
Social Emotional Development
Regulates own emotions and behaviors
Establishes and sustains positive relationships
Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations
Physical Development
Gross motor skills
Fine motor skills
Language Development
Listens and understands language
Uses language to express thoughts and needs
Recalls and shares experiences
Cognitive Development
Demonstrates positive approaches to learning
Remembers and connects experiences
Uses classification skills
Uses symbols and images to represent something not present
Literacy Development
Demonstrates phonological awareness
Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet
Demonstrates print knowledge and its use
Responds to and comprehends books and other text
Displays emergent writing skills
Uses number concepts and operations
Explores and describes spatial relationships and shapes
Compares and measures
Demonstrates knowledge of patterns
Science and Technology Development
Displays scientific inquiry skills
Demonstrates an understanding of the characteristics of living things and the environment
Use technology to perform tasks
Social Studies Development
Demonstrates knowledge of self, how people live and work, and basic geographic knowledge
Arts Development
Explores visual arts and participates in artistic expression
Explores music and creative movement
Explores drama through language and actions